
My Testimony

My Testimony

Introduction My name is Andreas Johnsen. I am the founder and speaker for Chariots of Fire Ministries and I would like to share my testimony with you. Early life with my biological parents. I am thankful to have been born…

My Re-Baptism 12.12.2020

My Re-Baptism

A Special Day It was wonderful to be re-baptized, to re-dedicate my life to God. The day of my re-baptism was a very special day. Really a day like no other. Even the date is special. 12.12.2020. A date like…

2. Cleansing the temple

Cain and the traveler were standing outside the church watching the sunset, before they walked inside, for a vespers program. The topic was the cleansing of the temple. The speaker read: The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.…

4. Acting

Theater Traveler and Cain were outside a large building. Come on inside said Cain. It looked like a theater. There was a stage with lights and curtains. The actors were performing a frivolous, irreverend, sketch. The audience was laughing at…