My Re-Baptism 12.12.2020

A Special Day

It was wonderful to be re-baptized, to re-dedicate my life to God. The day of my re-baptism was a very special day. Really a day like no other. Even the date is special. 12.12.2020. A date like that doesn’t come around very often. It was very special that our friends decided to make their marriage vows in the same ceremony as Elijah and I made our vows to God, and these indeed are the same vows of love, faithfulness, honor, respect, and service, until death. It was also great to be baptized with Elijah, for the Elijah message is the message for this time. As John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus first coming, so God’s people in our day, is to prepare the way for Christ’s second coming. What is the Elijah message? Repent and be baptized, by water, and by fire. What does baptism represent? A death to sin and a resurrection to a new life. Baptism represents an end to sin. The fire represents the Holy Spirit, fire giving light and cleansing more thoroughly than water. Fire also represents trials. The three faithfuls faced a hard trial in the fiery furnace but it had no ill effect on them but only burned the ropes that bound them.

A Special Message

The Elijah message is righteousness by faith. What does that mean? Rom 6:18 “Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.” How does this happen? Through faith in God’s promises, the Ten Commandments, that what God says, He can do. You might say “my righteousness is like filthy rags”Isa 64:6. This is true. Jesus said that no one is good but God, Mark 10:18. Righteousness by faith does not involve our own righteousness but God’s righteousness. 2Cor 5:21. Christ in you the hope of glory Col 1:27. The bush is burning but is not consumed. The almighty God wants to dwell in my heart and yours and therefore sin needs to go. There are so many things that distract us from serving God and spending time with Him.

A Special Work

Nehemiah was rebuilding the fortifications of Jerusalem and some tried to distract him but he said “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down:”Neh 6:3. God has a great work for everyone of us to do. Someone might say I am just a janitor or something similar. Jesus was a carpenter but He was not just a carpenter. This was God’s preferred training for Him to become the savior of the world.

A Special Date

So what about that date. Does it have any significance for my ministry? It does indeed. The number 12 is the number for God’s people. There are twelve tribes and twelve disciples. God’s people today is the church of Laodicea. The last of the seven churches. Laodicea indeed is blind, however she shall receive 20/20 vision. 12 is repeated twice and 20 is repeated twice because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass. Gen. 41:32

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Andreas Johnsen
Andreas Johnsen
Articles: 10