The Zombie Apocalypse: a Survival Guide

The End

So it has finally come. The end of the earth is here. I am not a prophet and I am not saying that Jesus is coming tomorrow, or the day after that, but I think it is clear that the birth pangs have begun. Things will never be normal again. When a woman is about to give birth there may be calmer periods and pauses between contractions, but as time passes there is an intensification in the birth pains. Jesus could have come back a hundred years ago. God sent a message to prepare His people and the world for His second coming. The 1888 message was not accepted by the church as a whole, therefore Jesus was not able to return at that time. There was an attempt to enact Sunday legislation in 1888. A T Jones, one of the two 1888 messengers, met before congress, and they were dissuaded from enacting a Sunday law. Was it a coincidence that the same person who brought the 1888 message helped dissuade congress from enacting Sunday legislation? No. Since the church did not receive the 1888 message we would not have been ready to face the persecution and the winds were therefore held back.

The Zombie Apocalypse Coming

I do not wish to scare anyone with the title to this article. There is no need to fear for those that are in Christ and when a woman has given birth to her child she will forget about all the pain. I am simply trying to get people’s attention. Zombies are living dead. Jesus said “let the dead bury the dead” Mat 8:22. It is possible to be alive but to be spiritually dead. In the book of revelation it talks about living dead also:Rev 3:1 “And to the angel of the church in Sardis write,’These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. The messages to the seven churches apply to churches in specific time periods in history. The characteristics described also apply to individuals in churches throughout time. The word apocalypse is another way to say revelation. So we have the zombie apocalypse described. Why did the book revelation get this name? In the end times Jesus’ character will be fully revealed to His followers and to the world through His followers, “the mystery among the gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. “ Col 1:27 At the same time is revealed “the mystery of iniquity” 2 Thess 2:7. God’s character will be fully revealed in His followers and the devil’s character will be fully revealed in his followers. A choice must be made which group we wish to belong to. Riding the fence is not an option.

A Spiritual Survival Guide

This is not a manual in armed resistance, Christ’s kingdom is not of this world. Joh 18:36. Our physical survival is not guaranteed. Luk 9:24 “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.” This is not either preppers’ instructions in preparing a “bug out” bag with supplies ready for fleeing. If we are preparing to flee, this will ruin our testimony. The preaching will have no power. God will prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies. We do not need to be afraid. Pro 28:1 “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Psa 91:1 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Heb 10:19-20 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;” If we are in God’s presence and He is in us why should we be afraid? When the time comes to flee the one in the field or on the housetop shall not even go into the house to get their things. Mat 24:17-18.

This is a spiritual survival guide. A numbered list follows, after which I will go through the items. 1. Repent and be baptized with water and fire 2. Spend at least 1 hour of quality time in prayer and Bible study daily. 3. Study the 1888 message. 4. Attend an SDA church. 5. Abandon any political affiliation or affinity. 6. Follow the NEW START principles for health 7. Medical missionary work will be of great importance in this time. 8. Do what you can to share God’s message with others 9. Get out of debt 10. Move out of the cities


1. We often think we are not so bad. For God there are no small sins. Our true sin is that we crucified Jesus. It is important to realize our great sinfulness and need of the Savior and to repent of our sins. 1Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Daily Prayer and Bible Study

2. It might sound legalistic that we need at least an hour of Bible study and prayer per day. The truth is we need to spend time with someone to develop a strong relationship with them. We need to spend time to develop a strong relationship with Jesus for what is ahead. We need to take time for the Holy Spirit to speak to us through prayer and Bible study and to change us into the image of Christ, that He might live in us working out His will, which is declared in His word, specifically the 10 Commandments, including the Sabbath Commandment. The sanctuary message is also an important message for our time. I pray through the sanctuary every day. Psa 77:13 “Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary”. God’s way is in the sanctuary and He wants us to follow. On the hem of the high priests robe were bells so that the people could follow him in the sanctuary. When the prophet Daniel prayed his face was turned toward the temple.

Study the 1888 Message

3. E J Waggoner and A T Jones wrote a number of books. They contain the message for this time. Some of these books are verse by verse Bible studies and are excellent for use as devotional books.

Church Attendance

4. Heb 10:25 “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”The church is very precious to God, it is the apple of His eye. But people in church are so terrible you might say. The Seventh Day Adventist church is like Noah’s ark. There were many animals inside it making unpleasant noises and smells but to survive the people needed to stay in the boat.

Stay Out of Politics

5. At election time we do not expect Canadians and Mexicans to vote in US elections, neither should citizens of the heavenly kingdom do so. We are to be ambassadors for heaven 2Cor 5:20. It would be very improper for the German ambassador or any other ambassador to decide who becomes president or what party controls the chambers of congress. Gospel Workers 1915 GW 391-393, DA 5096.


6. NEW START is an acronym. Eight natural doctors to ensure good health. The N stands for nutrition. A plant based diet is the ideal diet for optimal health, mental clarity, and good morality. E stands for exercise. W stands for water. Drinking plenty of water has unbelievable health benefits. S stands for sunshine. T stands for temperance. Don’t consume red light substances and not too much of green and yellow light substances. COVID has brought this into focus. For certain high risk people these days something like eating large amounts of sugar and thereby weakening the immune system could kill them. A stands for fresh air. With mask mandates in place and expanding I recommend finding a good cloth mask. The single use masks tend to have chemicals in them to prevent penetration. Heavy use of strong disinfectants can also hurt air quality. Sometimes it might be necessary to wash the surfaces with water to get the worst of it off and I make sure to take my breaks outside or in my car. That way at least I can have fresh air during the breaks. R stands for rest. Sufficient sleep is very important. T stands for trust in God.

Medical Missionary Work

7. The medical missionary work is the right arm of the gospel. The work should center around natural remedies, the NEW START principles, and prayer for healing.


8. God needs us to spread His truth to the world. Why share this in a survival guide? Because if we don’t share we will grow weaker and eventually die.

Avoid Debt

9. Stay away from debt as much as possible. The borrower is slave to the lender.

Country Living

10. The cities are full of sin and vice and the unrest and problems will keep increasing. We also need to have a place where we can grow our own food when food shortages come and when we can’t buy or sell.


Persecution will come and many will give their lives for the truth’s sake. When the troubles come the character will be revealed; the light of Christ shining forth, or the zombie apocalypse. Many will be dead but living, just sleeping for a while, waiting for Christ’s return, others will be living dead, zombies under Satan’s control. THE PREPARATION THAT WE MAKE NOW WILL DETERMINE TO WHICH GROUP WE WILL BELONG.

Andreas Johnsen
Andreas Johnsen
Articles: 10